Halloween with Lemmy Pumpkins

A Welsh man is getting rave reviews from MOTÖRHEAD fans for his pumpkin carved with the likeness of the band's late frontman Lemmy Kilmister.
30-year-old civil servant Stefan Prosser, who began pumpkin carving in an attempt to stave off boredom, told Wales Online: "I'm a massive MOTÖRHEAD nut and it just seemed fitting to do it after Lemmy died in January.
"After it went on Facebook though, I had people getting in touch saying they'd forwarded the photo to other members in the group.
"I don't know whether [MOTÖRHEAD guitarist] Phil Campbell has seen it yet, but I hope he likes it when he does."
A photo of another Lemmy pumpkin (see below) was tweeted by a mortgage broker from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, who wrote that it was the creation of a "friend of mine's hubby." He added: "[It's] just incredible!
Source: Blabbermouth