Play as Eddie in the new "Speed of Light - The Game"

Iron Maiden know how to make a good marketing... Following the release of their new album, they released also a "Donkey Kong style" game where you can play as Eddie and to save a girl from the villain, on the top of a roof. You can play the game here!
It supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer (are you nuts?) web browsers.
The game
It was developed by Llexi Leon, founder of the virtual band Eternal Descent. "Speed of light" starts as a "Donkey Kong" game. Eddie needs to climb through ladders to rescue the lady but, meanwhile, he needs to dodge the TV's thrown by the bad guy. If you pay attention there's even an Bat-Signal on the edge of the screen ;)

After that, the game changes radically and becomes a 2D shotgun, like "RoboCop versus The Terminator".

In the sequence, Eddie is teletransported to an arena with the same characteristics of those from "Mortal Kombat". Once in there, he fights a red demon called "The Beast" with energy bars, "Finish him" and "Fatality" messages at the end. Holy s#@t!

In the final stage, "Speed of light" turns into a FPS game, like "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" or "Doom", having skulls as enemies and a giant dinosaur (?) at the end.

After beating the Big Boss, Eddie finishes the game and appears in first place at the score table with 666.666 points (hell yeah!). Bruce Dickinson appears in second place followed by Llexi Leon and the other band members like Steve Harris, Dave Murray and Niclo McBrain.
They're really game fans.
To sum up, loads of fun for everybody!